emergency medicine resident จากประเทศสรัฐอเมริกา ในโครงการ International exchange program

On March 19th – 23rd we hosted Miss Tania Ahluwalia, senior pediatric emergency medicine fellow from Children’s Mercy Hospital, USA. It was the first time for our department to host our own international exchange fellow from United Stage. Her elective program started in Laos republic, Chulalongkorn hospital, Vajira hospital, then visited our department KhonKaen hospital and end up with Chiangmai hospital.


On the next 2 weeks, April 4th – 27th we also welcomed Mr. Scoot C. Calder PGY-3 from Saint Louis University, USA. He had chance to visit Thailand again after his first visit more than 10 years ago. So his Thai language was very great. No language barrier, we spent time in Songkarn festival in the hospital, also downtown KhonKaen city.



simulation with Khon kaen Emergency resident

Dr.Tania Ahluwalia
senior pediatric emergency medicine fellow from Children’s Mercy Hospital, USA.


Dr. Scoot C. Calder
PGY-3 from Saint Louis University, United Stage.

Although we spent in short period of time in KhonKaen hospital but we had very great time together and shared our knowledge and academic activities.  


N.Kaweenuttayanon MD.

กลุ่มงานเวชศาสตร์ฉุกเฉิน โรงพยาบาลขอนแก่น ชั้น 5 อาคารสิรินธร เลขที่ 54-56 ถ.ศรีจันทร์ ต.ในเมือง อ.เมือง จ.ขอนแก่น 40000